Don't bail out the Bonds-man

Ah, here we go. Barry Bonds gets upset over a book saying he used steroids (like that might be news) and now he's questioning his own sanity. Says he wants to jump off the Empire State Building and be done with it.
Here's a better idea, Barry. Forget the Empire State Building and pick the Golden Gate Bridge. After all, it is closer to where you are at and besides, they have bars on top to prevent people like you from doing stupid things.
You're seven homers away from the great Babe Ruth but you're miles away from the class he showed when he was the swatting all those badly made baseballs over the fences without a corked bat. And if you pass Hank Aaron? Well again, you're still miles away from the classiness of Hammering Hank. Sure, you're a great ballplayer. One of the best. But you'll never be the best home run hitter to live no matter what the numbers say.
That honor, we think, goes to Ted Williams who not only swung for the fences but he hit for average, too. And he interrupted his career to donate a little time to the U.S. armed forces during World War II.
In the meantime, please don't jump off the Empire State Building. The streets of New York are a mess as it is.