Saturday, March 04, 2006

John Elway's return

I just happened to be in a club on Colorado Boulevard in Denver the other day and guess who I ran into? Yep, John Elway himself (but he asked me not to tell anyone).

At any rate, it seems John is planning a comeback. You heard it right, folks. We're breaking news here. John Elway is going to play quarterback again for the Denver Broncos.

How? Why?

It's simple really. In his words, "I was always known for the fourth-quarter comebacks and now I am entering in what appears to be the start of the fourth-quarter of my life. So I figure why not come back to football and give it one more try."

Give the guy a monster line and you know something, he'd still be better than half the guys calling the snaps nowadays anyway.

Personally, I don't like John Elway very much. That comes from the day his Stanford Cardinals were playing Ohio State. I was covering the game and had a tight deadline so when the Buckeyes were up by 21 points with just minutes left in the fourth quarter, I figured I had enough information and quotes to craft a decent story.

I left the Horseshoe and got on the interstate. Then I tuned into the game just to be sure I got the final details of the event. Sure enough, Elway had already cut the lead to 7 and was on a drive again. I had to turn around, go back and hustle to get the rest of my story. Stanford won that day. I can't recall the score. But I didn't blow my deadline - I called the story in and all was cool.

Even John Elway as he sat there grinning that grin of massive white teeth.

You'll see it again, I tell you. He's coming back. I just know it. He told me himself.


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