I'm back (sort of)
OK, so the other blog never came about. I've just been too busy with school and writing my novels to deal with it. But I intend to post things on this blog from time to time about a wide variety of subjects.
Today, I have a message for Mitt Romney and Barack Obama. QUIT IT! Can you two guys just stop slamming the other and start talking about what you can do to fix this country. We're up to our neck in debt to the Chinese. Former soldiers are losing their homes and can't find work. Senior Citizens are more strapped now by the low Social Secutiry payments and higher costs of Medicare (something you should really think about because your day for those programs is coming). The war in Afghanistan is still taking the lives of young kids (and women and children there, too).
In other words, things are a mess. Obama -- tell me why you want another four years to fix the things you said you'd fix in your first term. Romney -- tell me what you would do different to solve the crisis that is the American Saga now.
In the meantime, stop the slam campaigns. They're pissing people off.